Bad body image day? Here are 5 ways to change that.
Bad body image day? Here’s how to change that.

5 Reasons January is the BEST Time to Start Therapy
5 Reasons January is the BEST Time to Start Therapy

Dating in Eating disorder Recovery
Dating in eating disorder recovery can be fun, exciting, and also terrifying. I have three tips that got me through dating on the apps in my early recovery.

3 ways to handle the hard days
Eating disorder recovery is not all rainbows and butterflies! Read on for three ways to handle the hard days in ED recovery.

My Eating Disorder Recovery Story
Eating disorders are sneaky little things – they start off quietly, whispering promises that sound like the answer to a prayer. Mine sounded like this: “If you can look this way, anything is possible,” or “When you finally lose X pounds, everyone will love you and your dreams will come true.” And I had big dreams to fulfill.

What is CBT for Eating Disorders?
What is CBT and why is it so effective for eating disorder treatment? By the end of this article you’ll understand what CBT is, how it works for my own real-life clients with eating disorders, and what you can expect if you’re heading into CBT-focused therapy for anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder.