Recovery coaching is the new wave…

(that really works)

  • Break the disordered eating cycle.

  • Discover peace in your body.

  • Find food freedom for a lifetime.

Hi, I’m Chloe.

I became a recovery coach because I’ve been where you are.

Do you feel like no matter what you do, your body is never good enough?

Or like your entire world revolves around food??

Have you felt that horrible sense of dread after eating something “bad” and the frantic planning to undo it that follows?

As women, we are under SO MUCH PRESSURE to show up perfect in every way — but especially when it comes to our bodies.

Which so often leads to:

  • toxic perfectionism and self-judgment

  • disordered eating behaviors and low self-worth

  • crippling body image issues

  • social isolation and anxious feelings

I understand, and I can help.

In my early 20s, my life turned upside down.

I coped with my fear, anxiety, and uncertainty by controlling my food, my body, my grades, and my relationships.

To finally break free from my toxic disordered eating habits, I needed support — but I didn’t know where to turn.

THIS is why I became a coach — to help women just like me take REAL actionable steps towards recovery.

Coaching is the comprehensive recovery support you won’t find anywhere else (not even in therapy)

I know it can help you, because it’s exactly what I needed to finally recover.

What is recovery coaching?

Coaching Customized for YOUR Recovery